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#1 Re: Current 24 Debriefs » Episode 21 » 2007-05-26 13:36:18

What really blows in 24 this year is that since you know that Jack will be wherever the action is, that means that the second Jack wasn't allowed to join the field team while we saw Cheng plan an attack, you just knew they would hit CTU so Jack could bag some badguys. I hate, no, LOATHE convenience!! sad

#2 Re: Current 24 Debriefs » The Star Trek effect » 2007-05-26 13:29:54

The problem with popular theories like this is that they're entirely subjective, and frequently don't hold water in any event.

For example, Nemesis (Star Trek 10) is not considered a good movie.

For 24, I definitely thought season 2 was better than season 1 (I hated Teri's highly convenient amnesia, which was turned on and off as the writers felt like it, for example). Season 3 was off to a slow start, but picked up hugely once the virus broke out. Season 4 was more "stand-off-ish" but picked up along the way, it's greatest drawback being the need to reintroduce all the old characters. Season 5 was good, but suffered from the plot being strained at times (like Logan being a wimp and then suddenly - conveniently - being the mastermind behind everything). It had massive shock value with some of the characters they killed. It was heartbreaking to see several of them die, but it worked dramatically and served to further the plot.

However, season 6 does suffer massively from another recent Star Trek syndrome IMHO. Because like Enterprise and Voyager, it jumps left and right uncertain of where it's going. When Tony is killed in season 5, it's sad, but furthers the plot. When Milo is killed in season 6, I'm just left with the impression that it was done as an easy way to resolve the love/rivalry between Doyle and Milo for Nadia's affections - in short, a cop-out. It's the same with Jack's brother, Graem. Why did he try to kill Jack in season 5? We don't know. There seems to be no reason to go through the huge undertaking of framing Jack for Palmer's murder. Why was it necessary to frame Jack for it? Why did they need him exposed? There is no answer to that, beyond that the writers needed it to get Jack back in the game (or show, as the case may be).

And that's what really disappoints me this season. I accepted it all in seasons 4 and 5 in anticipation of an explanation. But there doesn't seem to be one. And by involving Jack's family this season for no particular reason other than shock value, I fear 24 has finally jumped the shark sad

Unless 24 gets much better plot in season 7, they really should consider making it the last season. The show wins a lot on its serialised format, but it also has one major disadvantage, because it means that each season is one, long story. That means all the episodes speak to a great plot... if it works. Unfortunately this season it didn't, and so the whole effort went down the drain. By the end you hardly care anymore because the show has already lost any and all credibility sad

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